Prof. Yujiro Hayashi
Tohoku University, Japan
Yujiro Hayashi is a professor of Department of Chemistry,
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. He received
his B.S. degree(1984), M.S. degree(1986) , Ph. D.
degree(1992) from Tokyo University, Japan, and his
postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University. He worked as
assistant professor in Tokyo University in 1987, then he was
promoted as associate professor in 1998. After that, he
joined Tokyo University of Science as full professor. In
2012, Prof. Yujiro Hayashi joined Department of Chemistry,
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan. His
research interests include: Organic synthesis. Development
of new synthetic methods. Synthesis of biologically active
natural products.
He is the in international advisory board of Asian Journal
of Organic Chemistry, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, The Open Organic
Chemistry Journal, and The Open Natural Products Journal.
Prof. Yujiro Hayashi is also the editor of Chemistry
Letters, The Chemical Society of Japan.
José Miguel Aguilera
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Professor Emeritus José Miguel Aguilera is a food engineer
based at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He
was Chair of the Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Department for several years and served as Vice-Dean of
Engineering. During 2010-2013, Aguilera was President of
CONICYT, Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and
Technological Research (the equivalent of the U.S. National
Science Foundation, NSF), agency responsible for funding
most science and technology research, with an annual budget
exceeding US$ 560 million. He retired from PUC in 2012,
becoming Honorary Emeritus Professor of Food Engineering,
and continued leading research at the Laboratory of Food
Microstructure and the Gastronomic Engineering Unit and
supervising graduate students.
Prof. Aguilera has made outstanding and breakthrough
contributions to food research and development, education,
and internationalization. In particular, he pioneered work
to establish food microstructure and food materials science
as a foundation of food processing and product engineering
resulting in a better understanding of the science and
engineering of food. His current work centers on the
innovative design of healthy food products for the elderly
and the utilization of native seaweeds and berries in
gastronomy. He has authored or co-authored over 220 refereed
papers and 13 books, and has served as a consultant to major
food companies (Nestle, Unilever, PepsiCo, Kellogg’s, Mars),
local entrepreneurs, international organizations and
international research centers (University of Wageningen,
The Netherlands), Riddet Institute, New Zealand) .
Professor Aguilera’s contributions to food engineering have
been recognized by an impressive number of awards and
distinctions in his native country and worldwide. In 2008,
he received the highest award bestowed by Chile to a
scientist or engineer, the National Award for Applied
Science and Technology. In the late 1900s, the prestigious
Guggenheim Foundation (NY) and Fulbright Commission
distinguished him with research scholarships. In 2010 he
became the first Chilean elected as a foreign member of the
U.S. Academy of Engineering (election to NAE is considered
one of the highest honors that can be accorded to a
scientist or an engineer in the United States), and in 2014
he joined the Academie d’Agriculture de France. He was
awarded the important Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize
(Berlin, 2002), and the Life Achievement Award of the
International Association of Engineering and Food, IAEF
(Athens, 2011). Recently, he received the 2019 GCHERA World
Agriculture Prize in Nanjing, China, and the 2020 Nicolas
Appert Award, the highest recognition of the Institute of
Food Technologists (USA).